So a weird and wonderful question I am constantly asked due to being a self confessed hat addict. Where do you even get the chance to wear all those extravagant hats?

 Below are a few ideas to put your minds at ease and maybe persuade you to cross over to the shady side.

  1. The races/polo - Probably the most popular choice where hats are suitable and most likely expected attire. Your possibilities with a Lack Of Color masterpiece are totally endless and so are the Kodak moments! 
  1. Breakfast, Brunch or lunch – Out dress the entire restaurant or ease a hangover head with an oversized fedora and the company of a mimosa or two.
  1. Just about any holiday destination (even gloomy rainy ones!)
    Think sitting under the Eifel tower nibbling on a croissant shaded by the beautiful Montana. Or braving the NYC Christmas snow with your trusty boater. Or in our own Australian backyard rocking the straw stunning hats by the ocean.
  1. FESTIVALS! My personal favorite – weather its day one fresh vibes or it's day 3 and you can’t remember the last time you brushed your hair, a hat will complete any outfit to give you instant festival steeze. 
  1. Last but not least… Around your house without any pants on! It is a dam wonderful feeling and makes you feel fabulous AF.

by Maisie Bonita Budinger 
